Friday, December 10, 2010

Pomp & Circumstance

Yours truly, is now an online fashion blogger for the amazing NY based lifestyle magazine Pomp & Circumstance. Ive had this wonderful opportunity presented to me by my childhood friend Kastoory. I can't thank you enough for opening up a new door for me to expand in the blogging world, which I'm coming to love! Id say the month of December has a rather positive outlook after going through some tough times! 2010 looks to end with a bang! My first post is up today on the website, and so far so good, but fear not.... I plan on continuing La Vie en Rose and updating it on a regular basis. This is where it started! I still have yet to post anything on the Culinary subject! (which will be Coming Soon!)  ; )

Here is the link for , my post is titled Fashion Debut : Diamond in the Rough
..and here is their Facebook page, "Like" it! Facebook/Pomp&CircumstanceMagazine

Hope you all like it, please do share your thoughts and leave a comment on my post on the Pomp site.

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