Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year!! Who else thought this year flew by? For me, 2010 was full of laughter, obstacles, dramatic situations, shed tears for the unworthy, crazy fun people, psychotic people, lots of partying, fun and cringe worthy dates, epic makeout sessions and a bitchfight(s). What is the one thing I learned out of the last 12 months?

-Don't waste your time with people in your life who do not return the same love you have for them.
-Don't waste your time sitting on your ass doing nothing, because at the end of the day, all you will do is complain. Pathetic.

What are your new years resolutions? I think I'll share a few. = )

1. Start AND maintain a healthier lifestyle, do yoga more often instead of once a month.

2. Focus on Balance! School + Work + Social life = Happiness (all this in nyc of course! )

3. Be a little more selective when it comes to dating, instead of just being curious or being too nice or even double-booking. I've had my fair share of Carrie Bradshaw moments last year!

4. Sketch and design and sew a WHOLE lot more during my free time. Practice really does make perfect and nothing in life every comes easy especially when your working towards a long term career goal. How gorgeous is this Hermes sketch by this awesome FIT graduate below? Jennifer Lilya, <3!!
5. Drink more champagne, but never alone! Before my best friend Mal moved out to her sleek pad in BK (right over the water!) we drank Korbel two nights in a row which is a bit much for us, but we did it just because we felt like it was worth celebrating!

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